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944A1534We next spotlight Teo Steverlynck-Horne of Freeport.  He was the 2024 Class B Classical and Freestyle state champion.  He also won the WMC Classical and Freestyle.  We asked him about his state meet preparations with the lack of snow, his goals for next year, and more.

1) What were your preparations leading up to the state meet?
We didn't have any snow down south during the weeks leading into states, which was a huge bummer, so we did lots of roller skiing!
2) How did you deal with the pressure and emotions that come along with competing in a state meet?
Listening to music really loudly is a great way to deal with the pressure (Drake's "The Motto" is my fav)
3) What was going through your mind at the starting gate?
On the second day of states, I was really focused on not falling down, because as Fort Kent's Coach Carl Theriault says, "It's hard to win a race on the downhills but it's really easy to lose it." Falling and breaking equipment or hurting myself would ruin my race.
4)  What do you contribute your success to?
Freeport's team had great energy, and we really pushed ourselves during the season to work as hard as we could and get better.
5)  What are your goals/plans for next year
I am going to Dartmouth College and club skiing.
6) What surprised you the most about this season?
I was most surprised by the lack of snow! It's been the worst winter for snow that anyone can remember and I really hope that things pick up in the Northeast soon.
7) What do you like most about Nordic Skiing?
The best part about nordic skiing is going down the hills:)