We now spotlight Sarah Hare of Windham who won the 2022 MPA Class A Slalom at Black Mtn.   We asked her about her state meet preparations and herIMG 3818 plans for next year. 

1. What were your preparations leading up to the state meet?   I was mainly trying to stay focused on the race and trying to put to much pressure on myself
2.   How did you deal with the pressure and emotions that come along with competing in a state meet?  I tried not to let myself feel to much pressure which was difficult at time but I was focusing on enjoying my last high school race 
3. What was going through your mind at the start knowing that the snow conditions were challenging?  I wanted to still go for it and try for a good time but i also knew i had to ski a little more conservatively to make it to the finish
4. What are some of your best memories from ski racing this past season?    I always enjoying getting to ski with my friends and my family 
5. What are your plans for next year?    next year I am going to attend umaine and then onto law school after that 
6.  What were your goals for this season and did you achieve them?  What led to all of your success?   This year I was just trying to enjoy the last of my ski racing career and have fun, having an attitude like that definitely helped dealing with the pressure that comes along with it and helped me reach the goals I wanted to.